time to settle in

We got everything moved into our house but everything is not unpacked. Who knew that we could go from a 1 bedroom apt to a 3 bedroom house (with garage and basement) and fill it up?

I think things just need to get unpacked and then there should be space. The canoes don't have a permeant home yet, the solos are in the garage, an the other two are on the car.

We got most of the painting done, we still need to pick a color for the kitchen, but there wont be much furniture to move and the wallpaper/glue is all down. Unpacking is under control The babies room is pretty much ready to go, the living room is close, and we haven't started the kitchen. So much to do.

My little brother Jon still needs to move in to the upstairs though.

Whats new?

Well for one thing I have a whole lot less money, because we bought a house!!!!!

We closed on Friday, but don't get posession until this coming Friday, and then the moving begins

Pictures are available HERE